Here is the distressing part:
1) POWERS- In order to carry out the purposes of the Bank as set forth in this Act, the Board shall be responsible for monitoring and overseeing infrastructure projects and have the following powers:
(A) To make senior and subordinated loans and purchase senior and subordinated debt securities ... the proceeds of which are to be used to finance or refinance the development of one or more infrastructure projects.
(B) To issue and sell debt securities of the Bank ...
(C) To issue public benefit bonds and to provide direct subsidies to infrastructure projects from amounts made available from the issuance of such bonds. ...
(F) To borrow on the global capital market and lend to regional, State, and local entities, and commercial banks for the purpose of funding infrastructure projects.
So this is new and not improved. This is still an unconstitutional attempt to siphon taxpayer dollars to spending projects with out Congress voting an appropriation. The clear text of Article 1, Section 9: "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
The principle here is that our elected representatives should be voting on how public funds are spent. Under our constitution the Congress may not delegate that task to a committee. As for me, I want my elected representatives to have a voice in when and where Federal tax dollars are spent on infrastructure projects.
Please HELP in defeating H.R. 2521.